Manual Lymphatic Drainage vs Detox by Rebecca - which method is for me?

There are many reasons you may find your lymphatic system in a sluggish state. Stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, exposure to endocrine disrupters, pregnancy, surgical intervention and chronic conditions can all lead to lymphatic disarray, causing decreased immunity and fluid retention.

Both Manual Lymphatic Drainage and the Detox by Rebecca method help support our lymphatic system. So which one is right for you?

MLD was developed by Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder in 1932 to address swollen lymph nodes found in patients with chronic colds and sinus infections. It utilizes four basic strokes: the stationary circle, pump, rotary and scoop. All strokes follow a precise working and resting phase to manipulate anchoring filaments of lymph capillaries. and uses light directional pressure to move lymph fluid in the appropriate direction. Pressure applied is very light since we are targeting our superficial lymphatic system which lies just under the skin. This is followed by a resting phase which allows the initial lymph vessels to absorb tissue fluid from interstitial spaces. This precise stretching and torquing of the skin is based on scientific physiological properties of our lymphatic system.

In cases such as chronic health conditions, trauma, recent surgery (especially post-cosmetic surgery), and lymph node removal, MLD uses these principles to reroute lymphatic fluid around blocked areas and toward healthy, centrally located lymph vessels, to reduce swelling by enabling drainage into the venous system.

The Detox by Rebecca method was created by Rebecca Faria. With years of experience and academic achievements, including the attainment of her Master's degree in Body Aesthetics, Faria crafted an innovative lymphatic technique known as Detox by Rebecca. Integrating diverse methods, this comprehensive treatment stems from her 12-year engagement with lymphatic drainage massage in Brazil, where she focused on Aesthetics and Cosmetology. Seeking further enrichment, she extended her studies in Australia, delving into the realms of Oriental Medicine. In 2018 she brought her technique to LA where she not only treats but now also teaches, allowing her method to reach a more global population. I feel honored to be the first to offer this technique here in Florida.

Detox by Rebecca aims to boost immunity, alleviate edema (water retention), and helps to accelerate metabolism by bringing the benefits of lymphatic drainage while adding body contouring elements. Her technique uses deeper pressure with tailored movements to target our body's deeper layers to enhance circulation and metabolism. The Detox by Rebecca method also utilizes a negative pressure machine to help tone the skin, speed up blood circulation and activate the lymphatic system. For more information, check out

This technique is for anyone with an uncompromised lymphatic system who is seeking a lymphatic and wellness boost, maintenance, before/after travel, or to help your body prepare for surgery.

Benefits of BOTH techniques:

  • Less inflammation and water retention

  • Better digestion (and bowel movements)

  • Improved immunity

  • Better sleep

  • Improved appearance of acne/ skin conditions

  • Balance hormones

  • Fewer headaches


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Diaphragmatic breathing for lymphatic drainage.