+ Remove toxins

+ Restore balance

+ Improve immunity

Introducing your body’s built-in filter.

The lymphatic system is a network of lymph vessels, nodes, organs, tissues, and lymph, all working together to help the body heal. Trauma, injury and stress can lead to slow, stagnant, or otherwise impaired lymphatic function. This can show up as swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, digestive issues, fatigue, or frequent illness. With lymphatic therapy, the key is not to mask symptoms, but to optimize your body’s natural recovery process. 

To assist with surgery recovery, we use a light-touch, gentle massage technique to properly direct lymph fluid and clear nodal blockages. Wellness treatments allow for increased pressure or vibration according to the patient’s needs. Along with manual manipulation, we emphasize diaphragmatic breathing, supportive nutrition and hydration, and therapeutic exercises to optimize recovery.

The benefits of lymphatic therapy are numerous!

  • Increase blood circulation

  • Stimulate tissue regeneration and collagen production

  • Reduce swelling and water retention

  • Minimize the appearance of cellulite

  • Remove toxins and bacteria 

  • Improve energy, focus, and mood

  • Reduce bruising

Trust your body’s ability to heal.

Start your healing and recovery journey today.